International (juried), National (juried), and Regional Conference Presentations
Malone, P.A. (2024, November). Trauma-Informed Supervision: An Ethical Imperative
When Working with High Impact Populations. Paper presented at the 48th annual
conference of NASW State Conference, Irving, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2024, April). Bearing Witness: Trauma-Informed Supervision of Grief Therapists. Paper presented at the 45th annual conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Houston, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2023, October). The Ethics of Trauma-Informed Supervision. Paper presented at the 47th annual conference of NASW State Conference, Galveston, TX.
Malone, P.A.,(2024, April). Bearing Witness: Trauma-Informed Supervision of Grief Therapists. Paper presented at the 45th annual conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Houston, TX.
Malone, P.A., & Servaty-Seib, H.L. (2023, April). Therapeutic Factors Associated with Grief in Volunteer Facilitated Grief Support Groups. Paper presented at the 44th annual conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Columbus, OH.
Malone, P.A. (March, 2023). An Attachment-Informed Approach to Grief Therapy with Adolescents. The Austin Center for Grief & Loss, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A., & Seraty-Seib, H.L. (2022, April). COVID-19 gains and losses of teenagers. Paper presented at the 43rd annual conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, St. Louis, MO.
Malone, P.A., & Philpy-Dollins, M.J. (April 2022). Loss of the Assumptive World: COVID Impact on Professionals. Central Texas Grief Consortium Symposium, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A (2022, March). Anticipatory Grief. The Austin Center for Grief & Loss, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2021, April). Non-death loss during adolescence. Paper presented at the 42nd annual conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Virtual conference.
Malone, P. A. (2019, April). Techniques from an Attachment-Informed Approach
to Adolescent Grief Therapy. Paper presented at the 41st annual conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Atlanta, GA.
Malone, P.A. & de St. Aubin, M. (2018, April). The Tri-Dimensional Competency Model of Supervision. Paper presented at the 41st annual conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Atlanta, GA.
Malone, P.A., & de St. Aubin, M. (2018, April). The Tri-Dimensional Competency Model of Supervision. Paper presented at the 40th annual conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Pittsburgh, PA.
Malone, P.A. (2017, April). An Attachment Informed Approach to Adolescent Grief Therapy. Paper presented at the 39th annual conference of the Association of Death Education and Counseling, Portland, OR.
Malone, P.A., & de St. Aubin, M. (2017, April). Clinical Supervision for Hospice Social Workers. Paper presented at the 39th annual conference of the Association of Death Education and Counseling, Portland, OR.
Malone, P.A. (2016, April). The Impact of Non-Death Loss on Adolescent
Development. Paper presented at the 38th annual conference of the Association of Death Education and Counseling, Minneapolis, MN.
Malone, P.A. (2015, April). Disoriented Grief: A Framework for Understanding
Disaster Survivors. Paper presented at the 37th annual conference of the
Association of Death Education and Counseling, San Antonio, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2014, April). The Adolescent Grief and Loss Group. Paper presented at the 36th annual conference of the Association of Death Education and Counseling, Baltimore, MD.
Malone, P.A. (2010, July). Disoriented Grief: A Lens through Which to View Katrina
Evacuees’ Experience. Paper presented at Changing Health Dublin Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
National (juried) Conference Presentations
Malone, P.A. (2012, January). The Impact of Peer Death on Adolescent Girls:
An Efficacy Study of the Adolescent Grief and Loss Group. Paper presented at
the Society for Social Work Research, Washington, D.C.
Malone, P.A. (2010, October). An Efficacy Study of the Adolescent Grief and
Loss Group for Girls. Paper presented at the 56th annual program
meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Portland, OR.
Malone, P.A., Pomeroy, E.C., & Jones, B.L. (2009, November). Disoriented Grief: A Lens Through Which to View Katrina Evacuees’ Experience. Poster presented at the 55th annual program meeting, Council on Social Work Education, San Antonio, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2009, November). The Adolescent Grief and Loss Group for Girls.
Poster presented at the 55th annual program meeting, Council on Social Work Education, San Antonio, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2009, March). The Impact of Peer Death: The Adolescent Grief
and Loss (AGL) Group. Paper presented at the Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Malone, P.A., Pomeroy, E., & Jones, B. (2009, January). Grief, Loss, and Family
Survival of Katrina Evacuees. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work
Research, New Orleans, LA.
Malone, P.A., Pomeroy, E.C., & Jones, B.L. (2008, October). Grief and Loss: Lessons
Learned from Katrina Evacuees. Paper presented at the 54th annual program
meeting. Council on Social Work Education, Philadelphia, PA.
Malone, P.A. (2007, October). The Impact of Peer Death on Adolescent Girls: A Task-
Oriented Group Intervention. Paper presented at the 53rd annual program meeting. Council on Social Work Education, San Francisco, CA.
Regional Presentations
Malone, P.A., & Philpy-Dollings, M.J. (2022, April). Loss of the Assumptive World: COVID Impact on Professionals. Central Texas Grief Consortium Symposium, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2022, March). Anticipatory Grief. The Austin Center for Grief & Loss, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2017, November). Ethics of Endings and Leavings: Evaluation and Termination in Supervision. Inaugural Texas Clinical Supervision Conference, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2017, October). Bearing Witness: Trauma-Informed Supervision. Presented at the 41st Annual NASW/Texas Conference, Galveston, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2016, September). Counseling Adolescents through Loss, Grief, and Trauma. Workshop conducted for Continuing Education Program, School of Social Work, The University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2014, July). Assessments and Evaluations for Bereavement Centers and Programs. Keynote speaker at the Bluebonnet Council, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. & McCarthy, M.G. (2014, February). Sometimes We Just Talk about Pie: The Trials and Tribulations of Leading Adolescent Girls’ Groups. Presented at the 21st Annual Texas School Social Work Conference, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2013, August). Grief and Loss Groups for Adolescents. Presented at the 37th Annual NASW/Texas Conference, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2012, March). Group Therapy with Adolescent Girls. Workshop conducted for Continuing Education Program, School of Social Work, The University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2011, November). Disoriented Grief: A Lens through Which to View the Experience of Katrina Survivors. Presented to the Social Work Council, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2011, October). An Efficacy Study of the Adolescent Grief and Loss
Group for Girls. Paper presented at the NASW/Texas Conference, Dallas, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2011, April). Grief and Loss across the Lifespan. Workshop
conducted for Continuing Education Program, School of Social Work,
The University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2011, February). Group Work with Adolescent Girls. Paper presented
at the Nineteenth Annual Texas School Social Work Conference, Austin, TX.
Wisner, B., Norton, C., & Malone, P.A. (2011, February). Forming and Sustaining a
Meditation Group for Adolescents in the School Setting. Paper presented at
the Nineteenth Annual Texas School Social Work Conference, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A., Pomeroy, E., & Garcia, R. (2011, February). Children in Crisis. Paper
presented at the Nineteenth Annual Texas School Social Work Conference,
Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2009, September). Crisis, Grief, and Loss in Children and
Adolescents. Continuing Education Program, School of Social Work, The
University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A., Pomeroy, E., & Jones, B. (2009, May). Disoriented Grief: A Lens
Through Which to View the Experience of Katrina Survivors. Paper presented
at the Central Texas Clinical Research Forum, Austin, TX.
Malone, P.A. (2009, February). The Impact of Peer Death: The Adolescent Grief and
Loss (AGL) Group. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Texas School
Social Work Conference, Austin, TX.
Parrish, D., & Malone, P.A. (2006, October). Bearing Witness to Trauma: When
Helping Hurts. Paper presented at the NASW/TX 30th Annual State Conference, Arlington, Texas.
Malone, P.A. (2006, October). The Impact of Peer Death on Adolescent Girls’ Substance Use and Abuse. Paper presented at the NASW/TX 30th Annual State Conference, Arlington, Texas.
Parrish, D. & Malone, P.A. (2006, April). Economic Well-Being and Work Outcomes for Welfare Leavers. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Emerging Scholarship in Women’s and Gender Studies Conference, Austin, Texas.
Malone, P.A. (2006, April). The Impact of Peer Death on Adolescent Girls’ Substance
Use and Abuse. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Emerging Scholarship in Graduate Student Assembly, Austin, Texas.
Malone, P.A. (1997, May). Balancing Our Professional and Work Lives. Paper
presented at the Women’s Task Force: Challenges Facing Women in the Next Millennium. YWCA, Austin, Texas.
Malone, P.A. (1997, October). Pregnancy Loss after Infertility: Grief and Loss Issues
and How to Heal Emotionally. Paper presented at Insights into Infertility, Resolve of Central Texas, Austin, Texas.
Malone, P.A. (1993, June). Stress and Communication. HealthPlus Focus: Ask the Expert. The City of Austin Cable Channel 6.
Selected Guest Presentations
Panel on 13 Reasons Why. (2017). St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas.
Counseling Adolescents through Loss, Grief, and Trauma. (2017). University of AlaskaAnchorage, BSW/MSW student seminar via live web cast.
Loss and Grief. (2014). St. Edward’s University, Master of Arts in Counseling, Internship I, Austin, Texas.
Grief in Adolescents. (2013) My Healing Place, Austin, Texas.
The Adolescent Grief and Loss Group: The Impact of Peer Death on Adolescent Girls.
(2010) The University of Texas, School of Social Work, Theories and Methods
of Group Intervention, Austin, Texas.
Crisis, Grief, and Loss in Children and Adolescents. (2009) Hays Independent School District, School Counselor In-Service, Buda, Texas.
Loss and Bereavement. (2002) St. Edward’s University, Health and Human Services,
Counseling Class, Austin, Texas.
Career Choices in Social Work. (1993) The University of Texas, School of Social Work,
Field Placement Class, Austin, Texas.